EURO AERO provides aviation services for evacuat...

At the onset of the devastating humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the growing challenges faced by its nationals, expats, other foreign nationals, and workers, EURO AERO is proud to supervise and contribute to providing aviation services for evacuation and humanitarian flights, including private and commercial flights in all Slovakia Airports.
We Feel immense pride after successfully handling several evacuation flights at Kosice Airport LZKZ / KSC, Bratislava Airport LZIB / BTS, and Poprad-Tatry Airport LZTT / TAT.
ERUO AERO would like to thank its partners at Košice International Airport LZKZ / KSC, Bratislava Airport / M. R. Štefánik Airport LZIB / BTS, and Poprad Tatry Airport LZTT / TAT for tirelessly working every day to provide our clients with the best services. Also, special thanks to the EURO AERO team working 24x7 behind the scenes to make it happen!