Temporary Closure of Bratislava Airport (LZIB/BT...

Starting from the 14th of April 2021, all commercial flights to be suspended for 10 days due to maintenance work at Letisko M. R. Štefánika - Bratislava Airport LZIB/BTS. The airport has announced the closure of both runways 03/31 and 04/22 and planned to reopen on the 24th of April 2021. The closure will exclude Medical flights, Helicopter commercial flights from 5:00 - 17:00 GMT/Z and flights for the Slovak government.
EURO AERO can still serve you at other airports and provide you with the best ground handling and supervision services. Therefore, we recommend you fly to other alternative airports including:
- Piešťany Airport, 50 minutes drive from Bratislava, Slovakia.
- Žilina Airport, one and a half hours away from Bratislava.
Our team are happy to assist you 24/7 and answer all your enquiries, so please feel free to contact us at ops@euro.aero for any further information.